Cancer Angels of San Diego Halo
Circle of Dots

Help Support Cancer Angels

Treating cancer is a costly endeavor and patients should not have to worry about their basic needs. Help CASD with your financial gift to support families across San Diego live a better life.

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How will you help Cancer Angels?


The needs of our patients vary and every dollar counts. Whatever you can give is appreciated. Donors can make a one time payment or set up smaller monthly auto-payments. All donations are tax deductible.

Corporate Sponsorship

Cancer Angels of San Diego wants to use all monies raised for our clients. Generous sponsors allow us to underwrite our costs (print, media, events), for which we are deeply grateful. We ask all of our donors to support our sponsors in any way they can, as we are a community-based organization and focus on reciprocating with those who have given to us and help make our goals achievable.

In-Kind Donations

We accept gift cards for basic necessities as well as donations of services. For more information, please contact us.

Even More Options to Help CASD


Hold your own fundraiser…an afternoon tea, wine tasting, an art show, concert, a walk…be creative. It’s also wonderful to hold an event in honor and/or memory of someone you love that has battled cancer.  Let us know if you want a representative of Cancer Angels to be present and/or what print materials you’ll need.

Share the Love

We could not support all of those we do without our wonderful sponsors, family and friends. We are always looking to collaborate with additional people and companies. Let us know if you have an interest in helping us raise money to help those we serve. Please share our website with potential patients and donors. Every dollar counts. We couldn't do what we do without your help and we thank you very much for helping us spread the word.

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Are you the next Cancer Angel?

It's because of so many wonderful people that donate their time that we are able to serve our community the way we do. We have several volunteers opportunities available, where will you fit in?

Cancer Angels of San Diego Halo

Sign up for our Newsletter

Everyone knows someone affected by cancer. Help us by joining the Cancer Angels community. Thank you so much for your support. You're an angel.

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